The gearbox can be regarded as the life and nerves of the car. Damage to the gearbox system can make the car unable to run. Therefore, checking the cause of the damage to the automatic transmission gearbox is one way for the driver to check and maintain the car.
After previously we talked about the causes of damage to the gearbox on a manual transmission, now Cintamobil will tell the cause of damage to the automatic transmission on your automatic car. Some of the causes are:

Not routinely checking automatic oil
Car maintenance starts from the maintenance of the oil and fluids in the car. If you don’t carry out regular checks, it could be that the automatic transmission oil is reduced. Of course, it will cause more damage if the oil’s ability to lubricate and cool the transmission system is reduced.
Carrying a load that is too heavy
Carrying loads that exceed the specified limit will force your car’s transmission system to work extra. When the car is carrying too much weight, the car system will work harder than usual. This can heat up quickly and wear out easily and can prematurely damage your transmission system.
Reckless driving
Not only will it endanger you and other drivers around you, but there are many bad effects that occur when you drive recklessly. This will make the engine work very hard, forcing and draining engine performance continuously can make the transmission system damaged and can even damage your car engine as a whole.
Keep stepping on the gas pedal when the car is stuck in the sand or in a puddle
In fact, turning the wheel in fast forward or reverse gear creates tremendous heat, causing your transmission to overheat within minutes. You are less likely to damage the grip and hold which accelerates oxidation. Because cars with automatic transitions don’t have a transmission change like manual cars, automatic cars are more prone to damage when the gas pedal is pressed continuously.
Move from D to N without stopping the car
Many drivers will put their shifter to D (Drive) before stopping suddenly and vice versa. This bad habit eventually causes the teeth in the transmission to break. If this happens, your transmission is faulty. Many of us do this unconsciously or in a hurry, so the next time you head back out of your driveway, make sure you stop after backing off before returning to the D (Drive) position.