How To Prepare for a Road Trip

Road trips are a great way to experience a journey while on the way to your destination. Whether you’re looking to hit the open road and spend some time alone with your thoughts or are taking a family trip, a car ride can be the perfect adventure. However, here are some things you should check off your list before you start your trip. 

Get Your Car Checked

The most important thing you should do before taking a road trip is to get your car checked. Even if you’ve been getting regular maintenance done, it’s still a good idea to have it looked at. If you are on the road and something goes wrong, you could end up having a roadside emergency Aurora CO. This can get really tricky if you’re far away from home. 

Map it out

You’ll likely be using technology to direct you to your destination, but …

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The Genesis Of African Science And Expertise

African science needs more leaders. Here's how to develop them

The Genesis of African Science and Know-how: The Stars of the Deepest Origins-The Dogon’s Planetary Cosmologic Knowhow

Prime Row: Uranus and Neptune; Middle Row: Earth, White Dwarf Star, Sirius B and Venus; Bottom row: Mars and Mercury; Last Row: Moon, dwarf planets Pluto and Haumea. Click on on Image gallery for a much more closer look.

The final map and site of the Dogon in West Africa

Dogon Vilage

Land of the Dogon

Pygmy homes constructed into the cliff and granaries by the Pigmy’s and later by the Dogon

The Dogon people in Africa worship the Star Sirius as well as its satellites Sirius A, B and C. They had data of their elliptical rotations across the North star long earlier than NASA confirmed this

The Dogons are a folks ell known by their cosmogony, their esotericism. They are also famous for their inventive skills and huge information about astrology, …

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3 Things To Do After a Car Accident

Even the most careful driver’s vehicle can be hit unexpectedly when another driver is not paying attention to the road. If you are in a car accident, the adrenaline may surge, or you may suffer from a stunned shock. You may even feel a combination of several emotions at the same time. No matter how you feel, stay calm and follow the three tips below.

1. Contact the Police

Contact the police and request an officer on the scene if someone has been hurt. While speaking to the dispatcher, notify the office of the accident injury and the apparent severity of the damage. Also, request an ambulance be sent to the scene. If there are no injuries, some districts limit police involvement at auto accidents, so it may be up to you to ask for identification and insurance information. Remember to take lots of photos to document the accident …

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Three Types of Insurance You Need to Be Informed About

Buying insurance can be a stressful endeavor. Choosing the right plan takes time and energy. Before you settle on one, take the time to do your research. This is particularly true for your home, car and health insurance.   

Protecting Your Home 

Your home is one of the biggest investments you will make, and you need to protect it. When choosing homeowner’s insurance, pay attention to a few key details: the coverage, available add-ons and price. Start by verifying that any potential weather or natural disasters are included in your plan. Secondly, review any add-ons to make sure all your property is protected. Finally, look to see if you can bundle your options to help keep your premiums at a minimum. 

Covering Your Transportation 

You need your car for most things, so you want to make sure that you have the right auto insurance Fort Myers. Before signing on …

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Considerations for Purchasing a Big Rig

Making the decision as to whether you want to purchase a semi-truck can be difficult! There is so much to consider before opting to take this plunge, but don’t let that overwhelm you. Here are just a few of the things you may want to think about to help you make this choice.

7 Tips for Smarter Truck Parking

What Is Your Career Goal?

Do you want the freedom of flexibility; the chance to call your own shots? One of the perks of owning your big rig is that you have more say in the jobs you take. If you own your truck, you have more autonomy and don’t have to bend to the wills of your employer nearly as often. That being said, there is often less stability in operating this way as opposed to working for a company. Think about your specific goals to see what best fits them.

Are You Okay With Upkeep?

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