Strategies for Staying Safe on the Road

The weather is not always sunny and dry, and the roadways are not always straight and smooth. Driving in inclement weather or other potentially hazardous situations is a skill that you must learn if you want to keep yourself and the motorists around you safe and uninjured.

Driving in Bad Weather

Avoiding driving in poor weather altogether is the only way to completely prevent the need for a recovery towing Clay County company to pull you out of a ditch. If you must go out, remember these tips:

  • Listen for updates and severe weather alerts
  • Allow extra traveling time
  • Drive slowly and distance yourself from other vehicles
  • Pull over during extremely adverse conditions

Remember that virtually no destination is worth the potential for injury.

Sharing the Road

Depending on where you do most of your driving, you might share the road with a variety of types and modes of traffic. When driving in the city, make sure to stay extra aware of the constantly changing surroundings, including pedestrians on sidewalks and crosswalks and bicycles or scooters on the street. Interstate traffic jams have a high potential for low-speed crashes. Leave enough space between you and the car in front of you and look out for vehicles that change lanes rapidly. Rural roads that wind through forests or other undeveloped areas could mean wildlife; always scan the shoulders for movement and be prepared to stop quickly.

Practicing a Good Defense

Many parents are fond of saying that they don’t worry about their teenager’s driving ability, but that of the others on the streets. If you learn not to rely on others to drive safely, it becomes easier to predict when a situation may become dangerous and avoid it, such as changing lanes when you see a car speeding up from behind.

Know your route so that you can focus your awareness on your surroundings and not on directions. Also, make it a habit to limit your distractions, such as talking on the phone, eating or actively interacting with your passengers.